Conquer the Glaze Dragon With INSIGHT Glaze Chemistry Software
The PDF Manual.
Modified: November 20, 2021

Desktop Insight is now free!

Download it from the Files panel in your account or from the home page at (current downloads only include the program file, manual, starter recipe, materials - overrides data is built in).

Desktop Insight is legacy, we had to move on-line

We moved functionality to a private account at - because people now expect to get at their data from any device anywhere. And for our survival. Ceramic lab work is much bigger than glaze chemistry, it is a physical world where testing, observation, record-keeping are vital. Insight-Live is about maintaining that data. Its recipes share pictures, they have firing schedules, notes, development history, testing data, links, they belong to projects. And they accumulate into the thousands and are easy to find and compare.

Importing Desktop Insight recipes into your account

Desktop Insight, by default, opens and saves recipes to its INSIGHTDATA.DB recipe database file (that file is in your documents/insight folder, it can be uploaded and imported into Insight-live). If Desktop Insight does not find the INSIGHTDATA.DB file on startup, it imports, into its database, all the recipe files (e.g. RCP, RCX) it finds in your documents/insight/recipe folder (it does not erase the original files, but no longer uses them). From then on, when you choose File -> Open (not File -> Open File System) you open recipes from its database (using the Recipe Database Window). When you Save you save to the database. See page 94 of the manual for more information.

Why is Insight-Live so much different to use than Desktop Insight?

Because you have to be able to compare ten recipes side-by-side. For physics as well as chemistry. And people need to be able to find thousands on any device from anywhere.

Desktop Insight focusses solely on glaze chemistry

Insight FAQ

There is a direct relationship between the way ceramic glazes fire and their chemistry. Insight is a calculation tool anyone can use to learn and harness the power of glaze chemistry.

Without glaze chemistry you'll never really have control and you could be a slave to your suppliers or the trafficing in recipes that never work.

Overwhelmed by glaze chemistry? Try starting here.

What People Have Said

"I am currently finishing my schooling, and will begin teaching in the fall. This program will be invaluable to me once I start teaching. Thank you for all the hard work you have done in putting all this information in one easy to use program. My instructors are of the "happy accident" school of glazing. They have done this for so many years that they are constantly tweaking the glazes and mixing new ones, most of which don't give consistent results. I think this program will be a Godsend to my further education in ceramics. "

"I thought that I knew something about glazes but talking to Ron Roy was a very pleasant yet humbling experience. He is the reason that I purchased INSIGHT. I've been using a friends INSIGHT program for the last 10 months and think its terrific. It has changed the way I teach glaze calculations and has made the empirical method muchmore accessible to my students."

"Your program Insight has been responsible for me spending way more time in front of a computer than I could have ever imagined. Thanks to you I now have a tool that gives me a better understanding of what is going on with my glazes. I have always enjoyed mucking around with glazes, now I'm in danger of becoming a glaze geek!"

"It's an incredible program. Thanks for developing it!"

"Your support for Linux is a big reason why I purchased your program."

"You have a great Product and data base. I found the video tutorials great and instrumental in helping me appreciate all the facets of Insight."

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